
December 2021

In This Issue...

  1. The Well-Being Connector Podcast
  2. Volunteer Opportunity
  3. In the News
  4. Research
  5. Other Resources
  6. Coalition Book: Physician Well-Being During Sustained Crisis
  7. 2022 Annual Conference - Save-the-Date
  8. Message from the Editor

 The Well-Being Connector Podcast

Pennie Sempell, JD

Yotam Dagan
Founder, Dugri Inc.

Yotam Dagan is a former Israeli Navy SEAL commander and a certified clinical psychologist with expertise in Combat stress reactions (PTSD) and hostage negotiations. He is the author of two books, and he recently founded Dugri Inc., a startup that builds a support network for healthcare workers.

Information on each of the prior episodes can be found on our website (click here) and you can download any of the episodes on whichever app you might normally use to listen to podcasts.

 Volunteer Opportunity

The member engagement sub-committee is now being led by Brittany Shoffner, and she would love to have additional members on her committee. The sub-committee is responsible for expanding and deepening the numerous pathways for members to become fully engaged with the Coalition to ensure optimal communication and alignment. If you would like to learn more about becoming involved with this sub-committee, you can contact Brittany directly at [email protected].

 In the News

Why Health-Care Workers Are Quitting in Droves

This story explains why so many healthcare professionals have left the profession and describes the effect that this has had on those who remain. Read more

Has COVID burnout permanently changed part of me as a doctor?

A resident describes how his experience during the pandemic have changed him. I found the following sentence particularly haunting: "I was not a healer, just a messenger of death." Read more

Why a Patient in Denial Is So Tough for Doctors

An ICU physician explains a recent challenging experience. Read more

Trust Us: Nurses Are at the Breaking Point

Two critical care nurse leaders point out the devastating effects of the pandemic on their profession and asks the population at large to do what it can to help. Read more

26 Hospitals Leaders on the Most Important Change They've Made to Address Burnout

Healthcare leaders were asked “What's the most important change you've made or initiative you've implemented in the past year to address clinician burnout?" and the article provides their answers. Read more


Burnout and peritraumatic distress of healthcare workers in the COVID-19 pandemic

An online survey of 1068 healthcare workers evaluated the current status of emotional exhaustion and peritraumatic distress, and identified factors associated with improved mental health status. Read more

Experiences of Work-Family Conflict and Mental Health Symptoms by Gender Among Physician Parents During the COVID-19 Pandemic

This prospective cohort study of 276 US physicians during the pandemic found significant gender disparities in work and family experiences and mental health symptoms. Read more

The Impact of Psychological Interventions with Elements of Mindfulness (PIM) on Empathy, Well-Being, and Reduction of Burnout in Physicians: A Systematic Review

This systematic review identified 18 studies that met its eligibility criteria. The results, in general, indicate that psychological interventions with elements of mindfulness have positive effects on physician empathy, well-being, and burnout status. Read more

Physician Well-being 2.0: Where Are We and Where Are We Going?

This article reviews the changes that has taken place over the past 20 years in how we think about physician well-being: from thinking about personal wellbeing to recognizing the systems, leaders and processes that impact physician wellbeing. Read more

Physician wellbeing during the COVID-19 pandemic: an acute on chronic condition

The authors discuss how during the pandemic, COVID-19 compassion fatigue has been superimposed on the underlying pre-pandemic compassion fatigue. Read more

Other Resources

Well-Being in Academic Medicine

The AAMC, with the help of the AAMC's Council of Faculty and Academic Societies, curated a list of helpful resources to promote the well-being of faculty members, clinicians, researchers, residents, and students.  Read more

Beat Physician Burnout with Deanna Larson M.D.

A physician starts a podcast so that she can share her ideas for how healthcare workers can battle burnout. Read more

New Book: Physician Well-Being During Sustained Crisis


The Coalition for Physician Well-Being is excited for the release of its new book, Physician Well-Being During Sustained Crisis. With timely content geared towards physician leaders at every level, our new book offers recommendations and practical solutions for combating the negative effects of burnout while providing the tools necessary for building resilience and restoring hope. For more information and to order click here.

2022 Annual Conference


Our 12th Annual Joy & Wholeness Conference will be held at the Four Seasons Hotel in Denver, CO from July 27-29, 2022. Stay on the lookout for opportunities to apply to be a Sponsor or Exhibitor, as well as Calls for Speakers and Abstracts very soon.

 Message from the Editor

Do you have information that you would like to publish in our newsletter? If so send me (Michael Brown - [email protected]) what you wish for us to include. Here are some potential ideas you might wish to submit:

1. Events related to the mission that you are running or attending
2. Recently published research that you found interesting
3. Relevant job postings
4. Member job changes or advancements
5. Relevant efforts for which you are looking for collaborators
6. Anything else you believe might be of interest to coalition members


Michael E. Brown MD, MS, MHCM, CHCIO
[email protected]
Newsletter Editor

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